Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values are at the heart of everything we do at Wheatley Nursery School. Our school values are aligned with the Fundamental values.

There are four British Values that we promote: 

Rule of Law

Individual Liberty


Mutual tolerance and respect.

These four values all fit within the categories of Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PESD) and Understanding of the World (UTW).

We focus on promoting the more general concepts within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and understand that the children’s development within these areas is key to promoting the values in the long term.

Rule of Law- understanding rulesIndividual Liberty- freedom for all
Help children understand boundaries and acceptable behaviour
Help children think about keeping safe away from danger
Ensure that children understand their own and other’s behaviour and the consequences and learn to distinguish right from wrong
Collaborate with children to create the rules and the codes of behaviours e.g. the rules about tidying up and that children understand rules apply to everyone

Help children understand that they have the right to feel safe and not frightened
Help children to understand feelings and teach the language of feelings
Teach children to say ‘no’ if they don’t like/want to do something
Encourage a range of experiences that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand that we are free to have different opinions
Develop a positive sense of themselves.
Provide opportunities for children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem, and increase their confidence in their own abilities
Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED)Managing Self
Self Regulation
Building Relationships
Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED)Managing Self
Self Regulation
Building Relationships
Understanding of the WorldPeople and Communities
Democracy- making decisions togetherMutual tolerance and respect – treat others as you want to be treated
Build children’s self-esteem, self-awareness and self confidence
Build children’s ability and willingness to say what they want/need and to speak up for themselves knowing they will be listened to 
Support the decisions that children make and provide opportunities that allow taking turns, sharing and collaboration
Respect each other’s views and values and talk about their feelings e.g. when they need/don’t need help
Help children deal with conflicts by talking, explaining their motives and negotiating e.g. help with sharing toys
Teach children to treat others as they would want to be treated themselves
Share stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences and providing resources, activities and trips that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotypingT
each the children about cultural events and festivals   
Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED)Managing Self
Self Regulation
Building Relationships    
Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED)Managing Self
Self Regulation
Building Relationships
Understanding of the WorldPeople and Communities