SEND Information Report

Please also see Oxfordshire County Council Local Offer

Wheatley Nursery School Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report 2023/2024 (SIR)

These pages set out information about our provision for children and young people with
special educational needs (SEN). They are updated annually.
At Wheatley Nursery School we recognise that all children have a right to
a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. We aim to create a happy,
educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full
potential. We recognise that children are individuals, that each one has needs special to him
or her.
We aim to:
– ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual
-promote positive attitudes and individual confidence, ensuring all children
experience success
– identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils’ special educational needs.
– encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages
of their child’s development.
–  make effective use of support services.

Our Context:

Wheatley Nursery School is a fully inclusive stand alone Nursery who share a head with Headington Quarry Nursery School and governors with John Watson School

  1. Children identified as having SEND will be provided with an appropriately paced and differentiated curriculum. 
  2. We are co-located with other schools:  John Watson Special School (JWS) and Wheatley Primary School (ODST Academy) 
  3. WNS is in a Hard Federation with JWS.
  4. We have planned places for up to 52 in each session. 
  5. We follow Oxfordshire County Council’s admission policy

Wheatley Nursery School  provides for children and young people with a
wide range of special educational needs including those with:
-Communication and interaction needs;
this includes children who have speech, language and communication difficulties;
including autistic spectrum conditions.
-Cognition and Learning needs;
this includes children who have learning difficulties and specific learning difficulties
like dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
-Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
– Sensory and/or Physical needs;
this includes children who have visual or hearing needs, or a physical disability that
affects their learning
Our special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) is the Headteacher Natalie Wilson. She
can be contacted directly through the nursery or through our office email:

We have an allocated SEN Governor who can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors on
our office email:

What type of SEN provision is available at Wheatley Nursery School?

  1. Wheatley Nursery School is a signing environment. Symbols are used throughout to reinforce understanding.
  2. Staff are trained to support full access Indoors and outside including access to a disability friendly toilet and changing area.
  3. Staff have many relevant skills such as training for SCERTs , Autism awareness and Sensory processing.
  4. We use the WELLCOMM tool to screen children’s understanding of language and then to plan interventions to help close the gap.
  5. Where learners do not have specific seating from the OT service they are provided with seating posturally designed to fit the correct height of the pupils. 

How will Wheatley Nursery School identify and assess my child’s special needs?

  1. Each child has a Key Person who ensures they know the child well, resources and activities are planned to ensure interest, they play with and alongside children to accurately assess their level of development. This is recorded and tracked against the EYFS curriculum.
  2. Children who are assessed to be performing at a stage of development outside of the age group in individual areas of learning or across the curriculum receive an increased focus with specifically planned activities to ensure they have opportunities to develop knowledge skills and understanding. 
  3. Staff will liaise with Parents, Health Visitors and any other agencies involved to gain a thorough understanding of the child.

The school uses Oxfordshire County Council’s guidance ‘Identifying and supporting Special
Educational Needs in Oxfordshire schools and settings’.
The guidance sets out:
How we identify if a child or young person has a special educational need.
How we assess children and plan for their special educational needs, and how we
adapt our teaching.
Ways in which we can adapt our school environment to meet each child’s needs
How we review progress and agree outcomes and involve you and your child in this.
Click here to read it:

We recognise and value parents/guardians as children’s first and most enduring educators.
We will always contact parents if we have a concern that their child may have a special
educational need and encourage parents to speak to us about any concerns they have.
We work closely with children and young people with SEN and their parents to agree
outcomes and how we will all work towards these, and then to review progress.

How does Wheatley Nursery School evaluate the effectiveness of its provision? 

  1. At WNS our self evaluation cycle is based upon the Ofsted evaluation schedule,  focusing on the following key strands: 
    1. Quality of Education, teaching and learning and assessment
    2. Behaviour and attitudes
    3. Personal Development
    4. Leadership and management
  2. Our School Priorities are an outcome of self-evaluation and responds to the needs of all children and other stakeholders in the school’s community.

How do I know how well my child is doing at WNS?

  1. Each Term parents have an opportunity to meet with their Key Person to discuss progress and if relevant against SEN Outcomes document
  2. Parents receive an end of year report which outlines the progress their child is making and next steps
  3. If children have a Education Health and Care Plan Parents receive a report as part of the Annual Review
  4. Parents are welcome to discuss their child’s progress with us at any time. Each child will have an allocated Key Person who will collate all information and be the families first point of call. Please see the  Assessment Recording and Reporting Policy
  5. We use Class Dojo and Tapestry to send out weekly observations and photos to give parents an insight into what their children have been experiencing and learning during the week.

How will the staff support my child and how will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

  1. All curriculum planning and delivery is differentiated according to the interests of individuals and groups of children. Additional needs and the support provided for children with Statements is outlined in EHCP and individual learning aims. 
  2. Provision is skillfully aimed at overcoming a wide-range of  barriers to learning. 
  3. Children with emerging SEN needs of SEN Outcomes plan or EHCP are recorded on WNS SEN graduated response document which is reviewed regularly and in line with Progress reporting. 
  4. Children with EHCP may have an SEN Outcomes plan, a Personal Handling Plan or a Health Plan. These are developed in consultation with staff, parents and the learner. Each child has an support and outcomes plan to make sure their needs are met during the day. On a daily basis children’s targets are considered and are reflected throughout the provision.
  5. The revised EYFS is reviewed and adapted to ensure it is relevant, challenging, aspirational and provides an enjoyment in learning. 
  6. We will place emphasis on building on children’s interests in order to fully engage them in a differentiated learning experience
  7. The Equality Act 2010 places specific duties on schools, settings and providers, not to discriminate, harass or victimise a child or adult linked to a protected characteristic defined in the Equality Act and to make reasonable adjustments
  8. Our curriculum supports the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural needs of our pupils and prepare them for Life in Modern Britain
  9. There are many issues to be considered when deploying staff. A starting point is staff: learner ratios identified in the EYFS. Staff levels are then adjusted according to individual learners needs considering details in statements and EHC Plans, risk assessment and other progress data. 

What support is there for social and emotional development and wellbeing?

  1. Wheatley Nursery School uses the Family Links Nurturing Programme as the basis for personal,social and emotional development teaching, alongside emotion coaching techniques. The development of social and emotional skills is key to all our learners, it also guides interaction with children, and language used in Nursery to explain feelings and behaviours.
  2. We carefully observe and listen to children and always seek to understand their opinion or
    view. The way in which we discuss this with children may take different forms, depending
    on their age and stage of development. For example, where a child may not be able to
    verbally contribute to discussions, we can use written and photographic observations of
    their interests, preferences, likes, dislikes, learning and development. Some children may be
    able to communicate their thoughts or preferences through choosing, discussing and/or
    sorting pictures or photos.
  3. We also recognise that children communicate with us through their behaviour and carefully
    consider, in partnership with parents, why a child may behaving in a certain way.
    We use Wellbeing and Involvement monitoring when undertaking observations, as part of
    our daily practice.
    We expect all children and adults within the nursery to behave respectfully towards others
    and do not tolerate any unkind or hurtful behaviour

What training is provided to develop staff expertise?

Our headteacher and SENCO holds the National Award for Special Educational Needs and Judy Whittingham our lead teacher has completed the local authority special educational needs training.  Staff have undertaken significant training and qualifications and continue to do so throughout the academic year. Various staff in Wheatley Nursery School have received recent training in the following

Safeguarding: Annual Safeguarding

Health: Food Hygiene, First Aid, Moving and handling, Hoist training, Asthma and use of inhalers, Infection Control, Administrating medication, Mental health and emotional wellbeing of children with special educational needs

General and specific Epilepsy, learner specific medical training, 

How are families involved in the education of their children? 

At WNS- parents are included in the process of working with their children/young adults in variety of ways such as:

  1. Initial visits to the school
  2. Home visits.
  3. Parent/teacher meetings
  4. An Annual Progress Report 
  5. Parental Representation on Governing Body 
  6. Questionnaires for families 
  7. Regular newsletter and text updates. 
  8. Class Dojo and Tapestry updates

What do I do if I have a concern about the provision?

  1. In the first instance please contact your Key Person or lead teacher Judy Whittingham.
  2. If you still have a concern please contact the school SENCO and Headteacher Natalie Wilson 
  3. Our complaints policy is available on our website. 

What are the arrangements for supporting students in transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood?

  1. All transitions are well planned for throughout school as learners move to a new school. 
  2. Transition experiences are provided for children in line with the policies of individual schools.
  3. Teachers have a number of meetings between class teams to ensure a smooth transition. 

Where can I get information about the LA local offer

Oxfordshire County Council Local Offer

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